Brit Kodesh-certified Mohalim.
Board-certified Urologists.
About our Services
Bringing together Urological expertise, ritual training, and rich tradition, we strive to provide a safe and meaningful Brit Milah experience. As members of this community, it is of the utmost importance that you and your family have a meaningful ritual experience during your son's Bris.
The Brit Kodesh training program of the Jewish Theological Seminary and Rabbinical Assembly has trained the Mohalim in Halakhah and Ritual. They have been entrusted to serve as Mohalim in accordance with Jewish Law.
About the Brit Milah
"He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generation...” (Genesis XVII, 12).
The mitzvah of Brit Milah supersedes even the ‘Laws of Shabbat’ that would typically prohibit such a procedure on holy days. The Bris should only take place during daylight hours and is ideally done early in the day, to demonstrate our eagerness to perform a mitzvah (Yoreh Deah 262:1). Talk to your Mohel about exceptions under extenuating circumstances.
The Brit Milah should not be delayed out of convenience nor may it take place before the eighth day.
Traditionally, the Brit Milah is held in the synagogue or at home. We are happy to work with your family's clergy and with interfaith families.
Attending a Bris is a Mitzvah in and of itself. Once the time and place is established with the Mohel, it is proper to inform friends and family of the Bris rather than specifically inviting them. That way guests are not put in the position of refusing a mitzvah if they are unable to attend.
For the ceremony:
Table and three chairs in a well-lit room.
A flat, firm pillow (like a sofa cushion) with a swaddle draped over it.
Kiddush cup + kosher wine.
Candles + matches.
Extra diaper.
Tallit for Sandek and Dad.
Before the Brit Milah:
Try to feed your baby shortly before the Brit. A fed baby is a happy baby.
Dress him in a "nightgown" outfit that opens at the bottom.
Want more information? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. Can’t wait to hear from you!